What is Healthy Life Expectancy?
Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) is a measure of the average number of years that a person can expect to live in good health. It takes into account both the length of life and the quality of life, by estimating the number of years that a person is expected to live free from disability or chronic illness.
Why is HLE important?
It helps you to appreciate and better understand the burden of disease and disability on the quality your life. By recognising the impact and looking ahead you can to action now to develop and implement effective ways to improve your overall health and well-being.
Years in good health and poor health: Men (UK)

Years in good health and poor health: Women (UK)

So what does this all mean?
In short, there is little point living longer and longer if you are not going to be able to enjoy good health during that extra time.
It's all to do with your quality of life.
What's more, expanding healthy working lives by a year is by far the most important factor in terms of encouraging economic growth. Follow the link to this article from the BBC.
If you want to look forward to a longer and healthier life, then there are some simple steps that you can take. The good news is that most of them will not come as a surprise to you...
How can I improve my Healthy Life Expectancy?
There are several ways that you can improve your health life expectancy:
- Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
- Engage in regular physical activity: Regular exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases (don't forget to consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise).
- Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption: Smoking is a major cause of many chronic diseases, and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of liver disease, certain cancers, and other health problems.
- Manage stress: Chronic stress can have negative effects on physical and mental health. Finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation, mindfulness, or exercise, can improve overall health and well-being.
- Get regular health screenings: Regular check-ups and screenings can help detect health problems early when they are easier to treat, improving the chances of a full recovery and reducing the risk of complications.
- Practice good hygiene: Simple actions like washing your hands regularly and covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and protect your own health.
Overall, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and other healthy behaviours can help improve your health expectancy and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
My own Experiences: What I Do
I have always tried hard to stay in the shape, even more so since I was buying a new suit for work and was told that my waist was getting bigger "...nothing you can do about it, it's your age...". Well I was determined that wasn't going to happen to me!
So I go running, which gives me good cardio exercise, uses up the calroies, and gives me a bit of "headspace" and a sense of freedom. As the years have gone by the times have got a little slower, but I still keep pushing and it really is worthwhile.
I go swimming to give the knees a break, but that just makes my knees hurt in different places - you can't win! But I like the swimming pool, because it is a real mix of abilities and ages, I always get a real positive feeling that everyone there, no matter how fast or how slow you are going, they are all trying to make themselves that little bit fitter and healthier.
I also walk a lot with Fran, taking the dogs on their daily walks or going up to the South Downs to take in the fantastic views (or on other days being blown over by the winds).
And then there's golf. That love/hate relationship that every golfer knows. I still play about once a week (or maybe twice if I have been particularly well behaved!).
I try and eat sensibly and have a good mix of fresh vegetables and fruit every day. I am not a big cook but Fran enjoys it and I am very happy to eat almost anything! But it doesn't mean that there isn't room for the Friday night takeaway curry...
And of course I do drink alcohol, no particular tipple (a bit of everything really) and not too much but probably a bit more than I should be - but then I think I am not alone there!
I also try hard to get a good night's sleep every night, at least seven hours if I can.
I also take some health supplements as well. The usual cod liver oil capsules, as well as vitamin D tablets during the winter months and prebiotics. I also take a NAD+ supplement, more on that below...
We are all getting older, but it is worth the effort to eat and live healthily, it is never to late to start and it is an investment in your future that will pay dividends when it comes to health expectancy and quality of life, so start right now!
Biological Age Reversal - is it possible?
Recently I have discovered a supplement that takes an advanced scientific approach to increasing our bodies’ NAD+ levels, to support cellular function and maintain your health and performance.
What are NAD+?
- Convert nutrients from our food into cellular energy
- Switch important cellular health and maintenance processes on and off
NAD+ is one of the few molecules whichsimultaneously targets all the Hallmarks of Aging, tackling the root causes of aging.
As we age our cellular NAD+ levels decline, resulting in a reduction in cellular energy and cellular health (our NAD+ levels drop 50% every 20 years from birth).

Stressors such as intense physical exercise, disrupted sleep patterns and alcohol can also contribute to declining NAD+. Which also explains why it is important to regularly get a good night's sleep.
Various published medical studies have demonstrated that replenishing NAD+ levels is essential to maintain cellular defence in the face of these everyday stressors, so you can maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
So what can you do to improve NAD+ levels? Well there is a nutritional supplement available that you can take that will improve NAD+ levels.
I have been taking Nuchido Time+, and after just a few weeks I truly believe they are making me feel healthier and stronger.
But don't take my word for it, see their clinical trials. Their results concluded that:
- Nuchido Time+ significantly increases cellular NAD+ after only 7 days and
- A reversal of biological age by 1.26 years after 28 days of use.
Details of their clinical trials can be found here.

Meet the founder of Nuchido Time+ Nichola Conlon
Dr Nichola Conlon is a molecular biologist specialising in the study of cellular aging. After a career in drug development, Dr Nichola Conlon founded Nuchido Laboratories to deliver disruptive innovation in the field of aging, rejuvenation and healthspan.
Dr Nichola Conlon has a passion for sharing the latest science and is an accomplished speaker, with a skill for translating advanced science to help educate and support the wider population, encouraging people to age well and achieve their optimal life experience.

You can find more information about Nuchido and their people, their work and more about the ingredients of their supplements and how it reduces biological by visiting their website nuchido.com.
Testimonials from Customers
Sara Bergstedt
“I contracted Lyme’s disease in 2007. I was tired all the time, I always felt like I had just been woken up, or that I could easily fall asleep on my feet. I never knew how much I was missing until I started taking Nuchido TIME+. The change was rapid; I feel alert and well rested. If I miss sleep I know I can still get up and have a productive day. Jet lag is easier to cope with, hangovers are no more. I am more focused, my mind is clear and I feel more positive. Before I started taking Nuchido TIME+ I used to have frequent episodes of muscle pain related to Lyme’s, which have now almost stopped completely. Nuchido TIME+ has improved my quality of life.
I recommend it to anyone who wants to feel their best, perform at
their best and be at their best.”
Ann Jara
“I love this supplement! I have taken other precursors before and never noticed a difference. I am sleeping better (proven by my tracker and better HRV), feel refreshed instead of sluggish, clear mind and improved stamina when I exercise. I am post menopausal and on biote hormone pellets and have taken lots of supplements for years.
Nothing has made a difference like Nuchido TIME+.”
Samantha Guveli
“The way I can summarize it: we wake up every day with an energy
bank/tank and let's say it's a scale from 10 to 1 (10 being the highest).
Without Nuchido I start with a 9, and at the end of the day I'm at a 4.
With Nuchido, I start with a 12 and at the end of the day I'm at 7. It's
something like that."
Emily Mazur
“I had Covid and had extreme fatigue/brain fog after. That's when I
learned about NAD+. I immediately bought Nuchido TIME+ and
simultaneously was able to get several infusions. I felt much better.”
Buy now and save 20% with code SILVER20
I have become a big advocate of Nuchido Time+, so much so that I have signed-up to partner with them.
You and your friends can get 20% off by applying the code SILVER20 when you reach the checkout.